Who I am
As a ex-software guy turned real estate agent, developer and investor who started working in real estate shortly after the housing crash in 2008, I started out doing flips and after a few deals got into new construction in East Austin. I've been doing in-fill new construction since 2010 and became an agent in 2017 along with my wife. I've created this site to share my successes, failures, and experiences in the real estate industry and reflect on this as part of my own pursuit of happiness. My mid-life transformation from code monkey to builder and salesperson was a huge challenge to my identity. It was weird, it hurt, and I'm glad I did it. It's my ambition to share my path and help others reach financial independence through business and real estate.
What I do
I've created a YouTube channel to help others learn from my mistakes and share what has worked for me to succeed in Real Estate.
My wife and I own a real estate team in Austin Texas under Keller Williams and have sold over $103,000,000 of Real Estate and continue to increase our sales each year.
Real Estate investing and syndication
In a partnership with Darwin German Real Estate we seek out and acquire commercial opportunities in Austin TX for our investors. We co-invest in every deal and pride ourselves on our transparency.
Learn to become successful at building new homes for profit and how to sell them effectively as a real estate agent. Our training programs walk you through how we did it literally week by week what you need to do.